Title 1 » Title l Identification Process

Title l Identification Process

What is the identification process for Title l?

The teachers in RSU #20 use various assessments routinely to document student progress. Assessment results are part of the identification process for Title l. Teacher observation and classroom performance are other considerations for identification for Title l. Based on a risk assessment score given to each student, Title I staff determine if a student will benefit from additional support. Generally, the lowest 20% of students not receiving special education services will be prioritized to receive services. A parent may also contact the school and ask about Title l services for their child. Since SES is considered school-wide, all students are eligible for additional support.

Parent Referrals

Information about Title I will be printed in a newsletter informing parents that they may make a referral for their child to be assessed to see if the child would benefit from Title l supplemental literacy or math services (K-5). Please contact the principal and parent referrals will be acted upon as they are received. The school team will determine eligibility.