Searsport ● Stockton Springs
Office of the Superintendent
6 Mortland Road
Searsport, ME 04974
January 10, 2022
Message from Superintendent Chris Downing
Re: COVID-19
Enclosed, please find detailed information regarding individuals associated with RSU 20 testing positive for COVID-19.
Quick look
- RSU #20 response
- Location: Searsport Elementary School and Searsport District Middle High School
- Notification per Maine Department of Education and Maine Department of Health and Human Services Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Close contacts will be contacted
- Maine CDC
- Guidance on signs and symptoms of COVID-19
- Prevention guidance
- How you can get more information
January 10, 2022
Dear Staff, Students, and Families,
This letter is to inform you that one individual associated with Searsport Elementary School and three individuals from Searsport District Middle High School have recently tested positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). We are informing you out of an abundance of caution. A school representative will contact you directly if you/your student are identified as a close contact of someone who tested positive.
Please monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19, which can include:
- fever or chills
- cough
- shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- fatigue
- muscle or body aches
- headache
- new loss of taste or smell
- sore throat
- congestion or runny nose
- nausea or vomiting
- diarrhea
Please remember that being up-to-date on influenza and routine vaccinations can help minimize the occurrence and transmission of other respiratory illnesses.
Maine CDC recommends prevention measures to minimize the spread of COVID-19. These measures include proper handwashing with soap and warm water, which is especially important after using the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. When soap and water is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands and avoid close contact with people who are sick. Stay home while you are sick and avoid close contact with others. Wear a cloth face covering in public indoor spaces, especially if you are not vaccinated. Cloth face coverings are recommended in schools and childcare settings for people over 5 years of age. Get a COVID-19 vaccine and COVID-19 booster when it is available to you. When in public, avoid social distances of less than 6 feet and direct physical contact.
Questions for the school can be directed to Monica Furrow by calling 548-2313. For general COVID-19 questions, dial 211 (or 1-866-811-5695). You can also text your ZIP code to 898-211 or email [email protected]. Call a health care provider for questions about your symptoms. More information can be found at or
Chris Downing
Superintendent of Schools, RSU #20