Enroll Your Student
All students should register at the school they will be attending.
All students will need to bring a birth certificate, record of immunizations, and proof of residency. Social security numbers and Medicaid identification numbers (if applicable) are optional.
Kindergarten Students
Kindergarten registration takes place in May. Check back at this site and in the local newspapers for details.
Incoming kindergarten students will need to bring a birth certificate, record of immunizations, and proof of residency. Social security numbers and Medicaid identification number s (if applicable) are optional. If there are any custody issues concerning the child, please bring a copy of this documentation as well.
New/Transfer Students
New/transfer students must bring the documentation as listed above. They will also be required to fill out a Transfer of Records form at the time of registration.
It is not required, but would be helpful if parents bring copies of any IEPs to help with the placement of special needs students.
High School and Middle School Students
Students must register at either the Guidance Office or Main Office at their school. It would be helpful if they bring their most recent report card in order to facilitate appropriate placement.
Immunization requirements can be found here.
RSU #20 Links
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Kindergarten Registration
Office of the Superintendent
RSU 20 Vision/Mission
Job Descriptions
Bus Routes
School Lunch
Wellness and Education
Staff Directory
Infinite Campus - Staff
ESEA Report Card/Dashboard
Infinite Campus Parents/Students
Staff Google Login
Board Meeting Videos
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Kindergarten Registration
District News
RSU #20 News
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Kindergarten Registration
RSU #20 Budget News
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Kindergarten Registration
Board of Directors
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RSU #20 COVID-19 updates
Kindergarten Registration
Board Members
BOD Meeting Schedule
Board Minutes
Policy Handbook
Board Meeting Videos
Board Subcommittees
Job Openings
RSU #20 COVID-19 updates
Kindergarten Registration
School Contact Information
Searsport Elementary School
(207) 548-2317
Searsport District High School
(207) 548-2313
(207) 548-2313
Searsport District Middle School
(207) 548-2313
(207) 548-2313