Residents of RSU #20: public sale of old, decommissioned RSU #20 IT equipment 15 June 2023 3-4 pm only

IT equipment disposal

We have approval from the towns of Searsport and Stockton Springs, and the RSU #20 School Board, to offer some of our older IT technology for sale.

Process:  Currently enrolled RSU #20 students were offered the equipment first.  All RSU #20 enrolled students have had a chance to respond, so we are authorized to offer to the residents of Searsport and Stockton Springs an opportunity to purchase this surplus equipment. 

The equipment disposal is on a first come, first served basis while the equipment lasts.  Limit 1 item from each of the two categories of equipment listed below.  Equipment is provided as is.  There is no warranty or RSU #20 IT support once this equipment is picked up.  Once picked up, devices are considered "personal" and will not be put on RSU wifi networks.  

When: 15 June 2023 from 3 pm to 4 pm.
Where: 6 Mortland Road, Searsport.  Please use the Education Center door (the door that faces Union Street)

What is available:

Categories of equipment and cost.  Cash or check (payable to RSU #20) for equipment costs.  Equipment is provided as is.  No warranty or RSU #20 IT support once equipment is picked up

Category 1: 2015-2017 MacBook Air laptops, either the 11” or 13” (not both). These devices will soon be listed as vintage by Apple and will soon no longer be supported by Apple. Powerbricks are included.  The laptop hard drives have been wiped clean for security reasons and have no operating system installed.  It is the responsibility of the purchaser to install an operating system.  Equipment is provided as is.  No warranty or RSU #20 IT support once equipment is picked up

  • 11” MacBook Air laptop - $25.00
  • 13” MacBook Air laptop - $50.00
Category 2 : VGA flat panel displays (with power cords) - $25.00

Equipment is provided as is.  No warranty or RSU #20 IT support once equipment is picked up