Return to In-Person Instruction
The Safe Return to In-Person Instruction
Continuity of Services
How will RSU #20 maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and staff?
- November 12, 2024 - Regular School Board meeting. Consideration of Maine Department of Education (MDOE) recommendation to follow U.S. CDC updated COVID-19 Guidance for Schools. Motion was made by Kristina Braga and seconded by Ruth Fethke to approve the recommendation to follow the U.S. CDC updated COVID-19 Guidance for Schools. VOTE: 4-0-0
- May 13, 2024 - At the 13 May 2024 Regular School Board meeting, the RSU #20 Board of Directors recommended following Maine Department of Education (MDOE) recommendations to follow U.S. CDC updated COVID-19 Guidance for Schools.
- November 14, 2023 - At the 14 November 2023 Regular School Board meeting, the RSU #20 Board of Directors recommended following Maine Department of Education (MDOE) recommendations to follow U.S. CDC updated COVID-19 Guidance for Schools.
- May 9, 2023 - At the 9 May 2023 Regular School Board meeting, the RSU #20 Board of Directors recommended following Maine Department of Education (MDOE) recommendations to follow U.S. CDC updated COVID-19 Guidance for Schools.
August 11, 2022 - At the 11 August 2022 Regular School Board meeting, the RSU #20 Board of Directors recommended following Maine Department of Education (MDOE) recommendations to follow U.S. CDC updated COVID-19 Guidance for Schools. Click for more information from MDOE. Click for more information on U.S. CDC updated COVID-19 Guidance for Schools.
U.S. CDC updated COVID-19 Guidance for Schools summary
- Removed the recommendation to cohort
- Changed recommendation to conduct screening testing to focus on high-risk activities during high COVID-19 Community Level or in response to an outbreak
- Removed the recommendation to quarantine, except in high-risk congregate settings
- Removed information about Test to Stay
- Added detailed information on when to wear a mask, managing cases and exposures, and responding to outbreaks
- March 1, 2022 - Special School Board meeting update. On March 1, 2022, the RSU #20 Board of Directors voted to allow optional masking in RSU #20 schools. RSU #20 will be making a significant change to its COVID-19 protocols starting on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. Masks will be optional for all staff, students, and visitors in RSU #20 schools. More information.
- January 25, 2022 - Regular School Board meeting update. The RSU #20 School Board has had a standing agenda item: Consideration of 2021-2022 CDC/DOE COVID related guidelines. The School Board reviewed and accepted recommendations from the updated MDOE (Maine Department of Education) SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) dated 11 January 2022. RSU #20 will continue to follow US CDC, Maine CDC, and MDOE guidelines. RSU #20 continues with universal masking and pooled testing as outlined in the 11 January 2022 SOP. RSU #20 continues to inform the communities of current COVID-19 cases as per the most recent SOP. RSU #20 will accept at-home COVID-19 results to determine probable cases and request parents and caregivers to be sure to notify Nurse Monica if you have positive, at-home COVID-19 test results. Staff, parents, and caregivers are encouraged to use the most recent version of the MDOE Pre-screening Tool found here ( under School Health Resources) and keep your student, or yourself, home if needed.
- RSU #20 will follow guidelines put forth by the US CDC, Maine CDC, MDOE and the Governor’s Office.
- RSU #20 will continue to maintain safe physical distancing, to the extent possible.
- RSU #20 students and staff will continue to incorporate safety measures adopted in the 2020-21 school year: pre-screening, ventilation, handwashing, respiratory etiquette, staying home when sick and/or getting tested, and cleaning and disinfection in accordance with CDC Guidelines.
- July 28, 2021 - Communication from Governor Mills
- the State of Maine will follow the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (U.S. CDC)
- all teachers, staff, and students in K-12 schools wear face coverings, regardless of vaccination status or community transmission level.
- July 15, 2021 - MDOE Priority Notice: Health and Safety Guidance for PreK-12 Schools in Maine
- Per the US CDC order related to transportation, all people on public or private school-provided transport, including buses and vans, are required to wear a mask.
- The Maine CDC’s Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for responding to COVID-19 cases in schools will continue to be required for schools to follow
- Per the updated US CDC’s guidance, masks, and distancing when possible, are still strongly recommended when inside for those who are unvaccinated, including staff and students
The extent to which RSU #20 has adopted policies on each of the safety recommendations established by the CDC.
- January 25, 2022 - RSU #20 continues with universal masking and pooled testing as outlined in the 11 January 2022 SOP. RSU #20 continues to inform the communities of current COVID-19 cases as per the most recent SOP. RSU #20 will accept at-home COVID-19 results to determine probable cases and request parents and caregivers to be sure to notify Nurse Monica if you have positive, at-home COVID-19 test results. Staff, parents, and caregivers are encouraged to use the most recent version of the MDOE Pre-screening Tool found here ( under School Health Resources) and keep your student, or yourself, home if needed.
- August 10, 2021 - RSU #20 School Board votes to approve US CDC recommendation for masking in schools, which are in line with Maine CDC and MDOE recommendations.
- September 14, 2021 - RSU #20 School Board votes to approve pooled testing for students and staff.
- Monthly RSU #20 will report to the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) to vaccination rates for all RSU #20 staff.
How will RSU #20 ensure continuity of services?
- January 25, 2022 - RSU #20 continues with universal masking and pooled testing as outlined in the 11 January 2022 SOP. RSU #20 continues to inform the communities of current COVID-19 cases as per the most recent SOP. RSU #20 will accept at-home COVID-19 results to determine probable cases and request parents and caregivers to be sure to notify Nurse Monica if you have positive, at-home COVID-19 test results. Staff, parents, and caregivers are encouraged to use the most recent version of the MDOE Pre-screening Tool found here ( under School Health Resources) and keep your student, or yourself, home if needed.
- August 18, 2021 - RSU #20 sends out new MDOE Pre-Screening Tool for School Attendance and Sara Alert system for close contacts notification.
- August 20, 2021 - New Pre-Screening Tool, 2021-22 school calendar, and Welcome Back letter sent out to RSU #20 parents and caregivers.
- The RSU #20 School Board continually reviews our in-person instruction plan: it has recently been added as a standing agenda item to be discussed at the bi-weekly Board meetings.